Tourism Science - Tourism
Tourism Science

Tourism is a social phenomenon that has been transformed in accordance with human development. As societies became diversified and more complex, humans developed a close relationship with travel and tourism in order to satisfy their desire for a change in daily lives.
Tourism Science is a practical and systematic inquiry into various human activities involving tourism. In other words, tourism science is a research of human inclination to place themselves in unfamiliar places to fulfill their primacy desires as well as the needs that initiate from the initial desires. Furthermore, it is an academic exploration of all phenomena and systems derived from those acts. It is important to note that the concept of tourism targeted by tourism science encompasses various surroundings related to the narrow sense of tourism.
This can be explained by the fact that the narrow sense of tourism is closely related to the economy, society, politics, industry, and nature with significant impacts on each other. Due to these characteristics, tourism science has an academic character as a comprehensive study that includes anthropology, ecology, psychology, sociology, economics, and business administration.
Tourism Industry
The tourism industry is a high value-added profession called “Future Industry”, “Strategic Industry”, and “Eco-friendly Industry” that have shown an exponential growth as a promising field. It accounts for more than 10% of each macroeconomic indicator, including global GDP, employment, investment, and tax revenue. The tourism industry is creating higher added value than the agricultural, automobile, steel, electronics, and textile industries. In addition to the economic importance, the tourism industry is significant in enhancing the national reputation by spreading its culture to the world. Moreover, it contributes to the preservation of cultural heritage and ecosystem as a green industry with a low risk of environmental destruction. Due to its significance, it is well known that countries around the world are promoting the tourism industry as one of the most important national agenda.